Introduction of new High Rho
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Joseph Skulski and I am the new High Rho. I was elected at the end of last semester and will serve a one year term during 2017. I am a fourth-year architecture student and a member of the class of 2018. In the past I have served on the High Zeta, as the High Theta, as well as been a member of our Chapter’s Executive Committee. If you ever need to reach me feel free to contact me at
I am excited to be the connection between the actives and the alumni of Epsilon-Eta.
Joseph Skulski
Welcome to our New Associate Members
Epsilon-Eta is thrilled to welcome seven new Associate Members into our Chapter this semester! This brings out house to 78 total active members.
Please join us in welcoming the following members:
Beck Zhu
Danuel Carr
Chris Evans
Dan Peladeau
Graham Zola
Nick Kesler
Zach Kettering
Dan Peladau, Beck Zhu, Zach Kettering , Graham Zola, Danuel Carr, Nick Kesler (Not Pictured Chris Evans)
Statement of Current Operations
As you may already know, the Active Chapter is currently facing judicial action by the Institute. This judicial action is a result of an incident that occurred last summer. The most recent decision from RPI referred our case down to a “Review Board.” The new Dean of Students is working to select, and train the members of this board prior to hearing any cases. At this time, we do not have a timeline on when we will receive a decision. As such, the Chapter is not currently under any sanctions and is fully operational. Despite this pending judicial action, we continue to have a positive presence on campus, and in the Troy community. We are currently fully operational, but will continue to proceed cautiously. If you have any questions, please contact Donald Pendagast, Board of Directors President (, or Brandon Cressi, High Alpha (
Alumni Events
On April 22nd we will be hosting an Alumni Actives hockey game and barbecue. The game will take place from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Following the game we invite all alumni up to the house for a barbecue. We would like to invite all alumni to the event even if you do not play in the hockey game to join us for the barbecue.
We are also looking for an alumni speaker to come and talk to the house about the day and the life after graduating RPI, as well as how Lambda Chi has had an influence on your life outside of school. There is not date yet set for this event, but if you are interested in coming to talk to the house please let me know.
New Lambda Chi EHZ website
A new and improved revamped website can be found at The website is completely up and running and will be a new way to stay up to date with the actives at the Chapter. The website is updated regularly with stories and events of our day to day operations. Please take a look through the website and check it regularly to stay up to date!
Philanthropy Events and Community Partners
This semester we have held several philanthropy events, all that have been very successful. See these events below.
Lambda Chi Alpha Relay For Life Campaign
Each year our chapter participates in the RPI Relay for Life. Our goal this semester was to raise $6,000 and be in the top five within donating organizations. We are well on our way to this goal and will continue to raise money up to the event and after.
Relay for life will be held on March 31st – April 1st. If any alumni are interest in participating in the event, registration for our team can be done online or the day of. If you are interested in making a donation to the American Cancer Society through our relay fund, click here.
Honor a Loved One:
We are also compiling a list of all the loved ones affected by cancer. We will honor all those loved ones at relay for life with a compiled banner of all the names. To submit names to be added to our list please fill out this google form.
Sponsor a Luminaria:
Another way to honor these people is through dedicating luminaria. Luminaria are paper bags that can be decorated with names, symbols, or other drawings in dedication to a specific person.
A more thorough description of the luminaries can be found on the relay for life website at this address.
Click here for Luminaria Information.
Fat Sandwiches
On February 25th we held and event called Fat Sandwiches. This is the second time that we have held this event and plan to continue to hold it in the future. For Fat Sandwiches, we created sandwich combinations that are extremely unusual but delicious, and pack them to the brim with those ingredients. We had a an assembly line of sandwich creators fill the kitchen and chapter room. We were able to sell over 120 sandwiches making over $1400 in 3 hours.
A copy of the menu and event flyer is included.
Yuda Bands Sale
From March 20 – March 31 we are selling Yuda Bands on campus in order to sponsor students in Guatemala. The mission statement of the Yuda band project is to end poverty through education.
We have partnered with one young man Edson Chinyangana, all of the proceeds will help send Edson to school.
Edson Chinyanganya is a boy raised in Africa by a single mother along with 2 other siblings. His mother is currently unemployed and his family earns very little money. The entire family lives in one room and his mother cannot continue to pay for Edson's education. Edson aspires to be a doctor when he grows up and loves to play cricket and soccer in the little spare time that he has.
In the first week we have raised over $700 selling nearly 100 bracelets for the cause.
These are examples of the bands that we are selling. More information about the bands and the Yuda band effort can be found on their website:
Strike Out Strokes
On February 11 we held the Fifth Annual Strike Out Strokes, an event co-sponsored bowling fundraiser with Alpha Phi. The event took place at Uncle Sam’s Lanes in downtown Troy, bringing teams from Greek and non-Greek organization, and included many general students interested in participating.
Team Bowl Lodge won the event with the highest combined score, and brother Matt Clopeck won with the highest individual game score. We were able to raise nearly $500, all to be donated to the American Stroke Association.
Community Engagement
We have been extremely active in the Troy community this semester. We are currently partnered with three local organizations The Troy Unity House, Hope Seven Community Center, and Mount Ida Food Pantry. Our involvement with these organizations involves weekly volunteer who are tutors, pantry helpers, and help perform other tasks.
We are proud of all the brothers this semester who have volunteered their time to help others in the Troy Community.
Swim Team at NY State Championship
We have many brothers in the house that are on the RPI swim team. They had a very successful season, and had a great showing at the state tournament. Four of our brothers attended the state meet and are pictured below.
This was the recap of the tournament from RPI athletics:
“The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) men's and women's swimming & diving teams combined for more than 2200 points and both teams finished in second in their respective Upstate New York State Collegiate Swimming Association (UNYSCSA) Championships at Ithaca College. The men had 1137 points and trailed only Stevens Institute of Technology (1497), while the women earned 1063.5 and lost to only the host Bombers (1488.5).”
We congratulate all brothers who participated in swimming throughout their successful season
Charley Blazy, Graham Zola, Daniel Hendricks, Richard Dong
Ski Team member goes to Nationals
Another sport that we are heavily involved in is with the RPI Ski Team. We have four brothers who participate on the team. One of the brothers, Slade Glavish, qualify for the club nationals held in Portland, OR. A statement from Slade about his time at nationals:
“I had a lot of fun at nationals. Skiing against high caliber skiers from Europe is always a great experience, and I learned a lot during my short time at nationals. I didn't do as well as I would've liked in the slalom because I made a mistake that forced me to hike. In the Giant Slalom though, I did pretty well. I placed 28th out of 107 athletes, and I had the 19th fastest second run. This was a huge accomplishment for me, but next year I'm aiming to crack the top 15 at nationals.”
We congratulate all brothers for their hard work and dedication to their sport throughout their season.
This picture is from a costume race the team
participated in. Brothers pictured: Lucas Dvorozniak,
Greg Merrill, Slade Glavish, Anders Jepson
Curling Team Goes to Nationals
We have two brothers who play for the RPI Curling Team. The weekend of January 29th brothers Zachary Wietsma and Joseph Skulski traveled to Bridgeport, CT and played in a Bonspiel Curling Tournament, hosted by Yale University. Their team went 5-0 on the weekend placing first for the event.
The Curling Team earned the highest number of merit points during the regular season placing first overall in the country. This earned them a spot to compete at the USA College Curling Nationals. Joseph Skulski earned a spot on the nationals team playing the position of Vice Skip. Nationals was held in Utica, NY at the Utica Curling Club. The team went 2-2 on the weekend and finished 7th overall at the event.
Zach Wiestsma, Joseph Skulski, Kirsten Cardinal, Jeremy Katz
High Alpha Leadership Summit
This year’s High Alpha Summit was held in Indianapolis, IN at the Lambda Chi Alpha Headquarters and attended by our High Alpha Brandon Cressi . The summit is an opportunity to have our High Alpha attend in order to strengthen our Chapter. It also allows him to meet other Lambda Chi’s from around the country to benchmark against.. A description of the event from Lambda Chi IHQ:
“Over three days, participants will learn the fundamentals of serving as chief executive officer for their respective chapter or colony, with emphasis on leadership, ethics, operations management, external relations and harm reduction.
The summit seeks to equip participants with the necessary tools and best practices to improve communication, manage others effectively and to develop efficiency as the chapter leader. While discussing common issues among chapters and colonies, participants will gain valuable information on values based leadership and develop their core competencies of communication, problem solving, goal setting and interpersonal skills.”
Brandon learned many valuable lessons on the running of a Lambda Chi Alpha Chapter that we will be able to implement int he future. We have the utmost confidence in Brandon to help lead our Chapter throughout his term.
High Alpha Brandon Cressi pictured second from the right in the third row
Brothers Take on Union Pub Staff Positions
On campus this semester we have a large number of brothers who are working at the RPI Union Clubhouse Pub. These brothers have enjoyed their time working at the Pub and have made it a destination for brothers over 21 to hang out and enjoy.
Chris Hoskins, Ryan Sexton, Greg Merrill, James Male,
Dan Critz (not pictured Kevin Hoelscher)